martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

First project.

                                                                                          Entrevista con Gloria Jerez
The first project we had to do was to do an interview by our own. We had to become interviewers or journalists for a moment . We could also choose the person we would interview and I dediced to do it to my grandmother. She arrived from Cuba the last month, and I thought that it could be an interesting idea interviewing her because she could explain us very well the situation of her country . And, in my opinion, this topic is of a public interest.
So, I will upload my interview to the blog in order to share with you my first project of LUIM( Language Usages in Media).
If I am honest, I have to say that I´m not very happy with my final work but on the other hand, I have to think that it´s my first time that I do something like this and by the time I well mejorate. I hope it, I know it.
The interview has 3 different parts and I upload it separately, because my recorded doesn´t have enough memory.
Bye :)

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

1.3 handout

 Language variation in media

The language always changes depending on the contetx, the people with we are talking... etc. For example, we don´t speak equal when we are talking with our friends or when we are in class.  We can say that we try to take care of our registers at the time of speaking.
 In the media it´s the same. Each program uses a differents expressions or resgisters depending on the audience and on the content. For example, a news program is very serious and formal so the journalist have to speak in a formal and very seriously way. However, others programs like "Sé lo que hicisteis" or "El hormiguero", are more colloquial and the TV  presenter or the workers of this program use an informal resgister and are very natural. 
In the videos we saw in class, we could see very clearly the differennces between the Standard and colloquial Basque or French, and also the differents accents the people have.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

1.2. Handout

                                                     Minoriy languages in media

Minority languages ​​have always had less importance than the majority. In this case, we are talking about the Spanish against Catalan and Euskera. We can say that although the Government, the people and the different media make efforts to increase the use of these languages, they continue operating as  minority languages ​​in their respective places. This can happen because of the repression tha took place during the civil war; and nowadays this is notable because there isn´t a standardization yet.
Both in Cataluña and in the Basque Country, there are different radios, newspapers, television channels ... in these dialects and it´s true that it can be a big step for normalization. But unfortunately, most people use these media in Spanish and it´s very dangerous.
In summary, there are many media in catalan and in euskera but people prefer to use this media in Spanish. And, if this continues like this, the culture could be lost.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Summary of the topic.

How affects nowadays the media our society and language?

Experts say that the techonology has always changed the language and in my opinion this is true.Nowadays, we have blogs, telephones,e-mails...and when we use them we communicate differently. So, we can say that media creates a new style and new types of grammar.On one hand,when we watch TV or listen to the radio,for example,the journalist uses a lot of new expressions even changes the language and then, unconsciously, we start using them.On the other hand,when we are chatting with our friends,we uses differents expressions than when we are talking face to face and we don´t care about grammar. 
So, my conclusion is that media affects a lot our society and our language.

My blog :D

This blog is about the language usage in media.We are students of the University of Leioa and each one of us have a blog relationated with this.I think that it´s a great idea to have a blog because in this way we can learn a lot of thinks differently and it can be funny!We will pick up our works week by week and discuss too about differents topics about the language.I hope you enjoy it and you learn a lot!